Setting Merchant Controls
Follow these steps to specify the merchant types for which transactions should be denied.
1. On the Control Preferences screen, tap Merchant Types.
2. On the Merchant Controls screen, tap Enable Merchant Controls.
The first time you turn on Enable Merchant Controls, all merchant types are enabled.
3. Tap a merchant type to disable it so that transactions at this type of merchant are denied.
2. On the Merchant Controls screen, tap Enable Merchant Controls.
The first time you turn on Enable Merchant Controls, all merchant types are enabled.
3. Tap a merchant type to disable it so that transactions at this type of merchant are denied.

All transactions attempted with your card at disabled merchant types are denied.
Excluded List of Mobile Merchants
This list outlines the business types that are excluded from My Region and My Location restrictions.
- Horticultural Services
- General Contractors – Residential and Commercial
- Air Conditioning Contractors – Sales and Installation
- Heating Contractors – Sales, Service, and Installation
- Electrical Contractors
- Insulation – Contractors
- Carpentry Contractors
- Roofing - Contractors
- Sheet Metal Work - Contractors
- Siding - Contractors
- Concrete Work – Contractors
- Contractors – Special Trade and Not Elsewhere Classified
- Local/Suburban Commuter Passenger Transportation – Railroads, Ferries, and Local Water
Transportation - Ambulance Services
- Taxicabs and Limousines
- Bus Lines – Including Charters and Tour Buses
- Delivery Services – Local
- Courier Services – Air or Ground
- Toll and Bridge Fees
- Transportation Services – Not Elsewhere Classified
- Electric, Gas, Sanitary, and Water Utilities
- Door-to-Door Sales
- Swimming Pools – Sales, Service, and Supplies
- Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning
- Disinfecting Services
- Cleaning and Maintenance and Janitorial Services
- Automobile Parking Lots and Garages
- Towing Services
- Video Tape Rental Stores
Setting Transaction Type Controls
Follow these steps to specify the types of transactions that should be denied.
1. On the Control Preferences screen, tap Transaction Types.
2. On the Transaction Controls screen, tap Enable Transaction Controls.
The first time you turn on Enable Transaction Controls, all transaction types are enabled.
3. Tap a transaction type to disable it so that this type of transaction is denied.
2. On the Transaction Controls screen, tap Enable Transaction Controls.
The first time you turn on Enable Transaction Controls, all transaction types are enabled.
3. Tap a transaction type to disable it so that this type of transaction is denied.

All disabled transaction types attempted with your card are denied.
Setting Spend Limit Controls
Follow these steps to specify a transaction amount above which transactions are to be denied.
1. On the Control Preferences screen, tap Spend Limits.
2. On the Spend Control screen, tap Per Transaction.
The Deny Transactions Exceeding field appears.
3. Enter the amount above which transactions must be denied.
2. On the Spend Control screen, tap Per Transaction.
The Deny Transactions Exceeding field appears.
3. Enter the amount above which transactions must be denied.

4. Tap Save.
All transactions above this amount attempted with your card are denied.